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10 Productive things to do during the Movement Control Order

Writer: Tania WeeTania Wee

Hang in there, Malaysia! We're halfway through this Movement Control Order (MCO) to slow down this pandemic! We can do this! Until then, only leave the house for necessary errands, listen to the government directives and practice good hygiene.

At the meantime, we should use this opportunity at home to do something productive either for yourself or for the household. Of course, if you are working from home, do complete your work first before tackling out these activities.

1. Marie Kondo Your Home

Always wished you had time to clean out your closet? Well, now you do! As Marie Kondo would say, categorise your items and thank them before setting them aside either for donation or recycle. Check out this link for more decluttering tips.

2. Binge Watch on your favourite series or Youtube channel

Believe it or not - Destressing and just kicking back to catch up on your favourite TV series, movie or Youtuber is productive for you. In this stressful time, it's not just important to look after your physical health but also your mental and emotional wellbeing as well. So go forth and binge without guilt.

For you travel junkies, you can start with our list of travel vloggers to watch.

3. Exercise!

Speaking of looking after your physical health, you should also make time to exercise. At home of course. The internet is filled with many great home-based workouts but you can start with this name-based workout.

Why not video yourself, post it on social media and tagging a friend to spread the motivation around.

4. Try out a new recipe

There is no better time than now to try out that new recipe. Or several in fact! During this downtime, a lot of people on social media are discovering new and inventive ways to whip up their favourite dish or a healthier version so join in on the fun as well. Always wanted to master meal prep for a healthier lifestyle? Here ya go!

5. Learn a new language

What better way to enhance your travel experience once this pandemic is over than to pick up a foreign language. With the internet at our fingertips, you have access to various resources to learning a new language be it Korean (for your Opps and Noonas!) or French! We recommend dedicating a hour to studying it and before long, you will find that you can watch your favourite foreign drama series without the subtitles!

6. Take a virtual tour of a museum or art gallery

Thanks to Google Arts and Culture, you can now visit any of these world-famous museums and galleries such as the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, and the British Museum in London, without leaving the safety of your bed or sofa. Some of the displays even have info drop-downs for you to read - just as though you were there! Check out the list of virtual tours here.

7. Get your taxes ready

With no brunches to go to, games to watch, or really any public fun to be had, this is the perfect time to start wrapping up your taxes. Yes, we know the income tax deadline has been extended by two months but why wait? For the forgetful and noobs, here's a guide to get you started.

8. Support Your Local Cafes and Hawkers

This is a bad time for small local cafes that rely on a steady flow of customers to their shop to survive. With MCO in place, many cafes are forced to turn to takeaways and food delivery to reach out to their customers. It's even harder for the hawker aunties and uncles who do not have the luxury of a food delivery service. So why not tapau from them at least once a day to help them through this hard time?

9. Play with Your Furkid

If you have a pet, this MCO is blessing for them as now you can shower them with all the attention in the world. You can't walk your dog but you can still teach them a new trick. Mental simulation is good for you and your pet. It also helps to build trust, a deeper understanding and connection between you and your furkid.

10. Plan Your Next Vacay

Overseas trips may be on hold for now, but you can always plan your next adventure in Malaysia to start with once this pandemic has died down. Malaysia has a plethora of scenic destinations as listed here and even islands to rival that of Maldives and Boracay. Check out Sedunia Travel if you need help planning out your next travel adventure.

We know that CoVID19 has caused all travel plan to come to a halt but it's in our nature to be wanderers. So just hang in there and the storm will pass. Stay safe Malaysia and let's flatten the curve together. #flattenthecurve #StayatHome #Kitajagakita




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